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Theresa May Has Announced Recently That She Is To Step Down – Let’s Take Another Look Back At Her Time In Office

Theresa May Has Announced Recently That She Is To Step Down – Let’s Take Another Look Back At Her Time In Office

Here at Fashion Show Images, we don’t pretend to understand the twists and turns of politics, or understand whether the achievements of a person’s political tenure would amount to success or not – but we do recognise the triumph of human endeavour.

Theresa May announced her resignation recently in a statement outside No 10 Downing Street, and managed to continue all the way through to the end until her voice finally cracked. Even under this kind of pressure – she remained dignified.


It has been sad to see the enormous resilience of Theresa May slowly being chipped away over the last three years, but each time one would think ‘she must be devastated, how will she recover from this?’ – (maybe after a particularly harsh session in Prime Minister’s Questions – or some other set-back from an oversees jaunt), she would come back seemingly even stronger.


Mrs May always said that she wanted to “deliver Brexit”, and indeed, tried her very best to do so. In her parting statement, she said, “It is, and will always be a matter of deep regret to me that I have not been able to deliver Brexit.” And you can see and feel from her that it always will be so.


 She seemed determined to ‘finish the job’, even at her own detriment (she sometimes looked like a Ninja during Prime Ministers Questions trying to fend off the vitriolic questions), so that she could do what she felt was right for the Country and leave it in a good place when she left. Unfortunately, it was not to be, as common ground could seemingly not be found, and frustration ensued.

After Mrs May’s resignation, salutations came in thick and fast from colleagues and other Politicians, with the words ‘tenacity’, ‘resilience’, ‘integrity’, ‘sincerity’, ‘selflessness’, and further afield, people dedicating their ‘full respect’, ‘political respect’, and also their ‘personal respect.’ (Perhaps realising what an enormously difficult task this has been for her and would be for anyone, quite frankly.)


Boris Johnson said “A very dignified statement from Theresa May. Thank you for your stoical service to our country and the Conservative Party.”



Liam Fox said “Theresa May has acted with dignity and honour in pursuit of what she believes to be in the national interest, the hallmark of her time in public life.”




Jeremy Hunt said “I want to pay tribute to the PM today. Delivering Brexit was always going to be a huge task, but one she met every day with courage & resolve. NHS will have an extra £20bn thanks to her support, and she leaves the country safer and more secure. A true public servant.”


TM28It has been hard to watch Mrs May trying to find a resolution and ploughing on when, at times, the odds were so stacked against her, that she appeared to be ‘swimming in treacle’, – but on she swam.

Whether you agree with her politics or not, Theresa May’s personal traits are entirely admirable. Even when she was under the most intense scrutiny, or had questions fired at her from angry eyes and staunch white faces, never once did she lose her temper.


Never once did she swear. And even when things got really bad, she would simply take off her glasses, or tip her head to the side for a second, give her ‘opponent’ time to calm themselves and then carry on. She is a lady.

She always looked fantastic when travelling anywhere, a Prime Minister to be proud of.

Unfortunately, this Brexit debacle will rattle on, but Theresa May has made the right decision. It’s time to ‘pass on the Prime Ministerial Baton’ to someone else. 

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Theresa May has met many important leaders during her time as Prime Minister notwithstanding visiting President Trump in the White House

Theresa May Meets President Xi Jin-Ping in China

Theresa May Meets Angela Merkel in Germany


Theresa May Meets President Vladimir Putin 

Theresa May Meets President Tayyip Erdogan

Theresa May Meets President Shinzo Abe

and hosted the President and First Lady Melania Trump at Blenheim Palace last year

Mrs May has provided us with some superb visuals 


 from her oversees


and domestic escapades –


including dancing, and playing football to show her playful side.

Here at Fashion Show Images, we have always enjoyed her quirky fashion sense,



and out of all the most memorable images to us, will always be the one of her smiling on the sofa – looking fabulous in her Amanda Wakeley leather trousers.


 She has tried her very best for all of us to see, and never gave up, so when it comes to the Triumph of the Human Spirit – she certainly deserves a Gold Medal for her enormous tenacity and resilience.


  Words by Amanda Waters


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